Horses have no expectations. They don’t judge

The Stablemindz story begins in France with a little girls’ love of horses. That little girl was visionary owner Liz, where her love has stayed strong

across multiple continents burning as brightly today as it did all those years ago. Joined by her cherished Bijou and Pepito, you’ll find them doing

what they love the most everyday - being present with people.

Read on for a peak into their world.


Meet Liz Dos Santos


A trained professional social worker with a mental health background, Liz’s love for horses started as far back as she can recall. But at the age of six, affording such a majestic animal was not an option living in France. Fast forward 20 years to the moment an idea germinated in Liz’s mind. 13 years of working with the conventional health model in Western Australia opened the door to the forward thinking, human-centred approach that is the heart of the successful business you see today: why not incorporate horses as part of an intervention for people who experience complex psychosocial disabilities? That idea, now cystralised, connected to a passion deep within Liz. The result? Stablemindz; an innovative therapy popular the world over taking Western Australia by storm.

Stablemindz is a detour to conventional traditional counselling, delivering clients a tangible alternative to the one-on-one therapist talking model. But it’s more than this for Liz; she too experiences the life changing benefits her clients cherish. Liz feels her true self when she’s with Bijou and Pepito in their natural Southern River setting. The sense of present calm is an energising reset in our complex, fast paced world littered with pressures, distractions and barriers to being who you really are. At work (though let’s be honest, this doesn’t feel like work when you align with your passion like Liz has), she sees her role not as “fixing”. Instead of seeing a “problem”, Liz challenges the ‘deficiency based medical model’ seeing self-realising potential instead. She stands with her clients helping find the answers to whatever their question, whatever they are looking for. Equine Assisted Therapy is merely the method to subtle, yet life enhancing realisations.

Why? Because the body keeps score. And being in the presence of horses commands people listen to their body as they become present. Such majesty quietens the mind, and just as horses don’t “think”, Liz observes clients experience lasting benefits that come from being in the presence of her majestic animals.


  • Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. EPI Australia (2018)

  • M.A Social Work. UWA (2014)

  • M.A. Womens Studies. University of Limerick , Ireland (2003)

  • B.A. Economics. Social Work. University of Besancon, France (1995).

Meet Pepito A perceptive, loving boss


“He wants all the attention, but he’s also very anxious.”

Our Pepito is a real relatable character. Without question, he offers love, unconditional love. In situations where people experience a deep outpouring of emotion, Pepito is a rock. He stands calmly by, close enough you know he’s there while granting you the space to experience what you need.

Yet he’s also the boss. When something is new, he’ll send his trusted buddy Bijou along first to check it out. Then, when he’s sure the coast is clear, Pepito might come along too. Sending Bijou hints at another side of Pepito’s temperament. He’s a leader but he’s prone to being anxious. It’s almost as if he’s showing us a side many can relate to; leadership mixed with anxiety and fear. But his kind spirit and unconditional love unquestionably make him an integral member of the Stablemindz family. We love him dearly.

Meet Bijou A jewel. Small. Elegant. A gem.


Bijou suits his name in every way.

Our beautiful Bijou is not only close to our heart, he’s loved by those who he touches. Reliable, present and understanding, his gentle, intelligent nature creates a sense of effortless making him feel like he’s a good friend to everyone he meets. When he’s with people, he’s willing to reveal other sides of his personality. He’s naturally curious, making him intently interested in humans and the cues we give. He’s a quick learner and always interested to try something new. Boredom bores him (it really does).

He’s got a funny, playful side making him an absolute pleasure to around. And while there’s no doubt he’s a pleaser, don’t be too quickly mistaken - he has a mind and spirit of his own which means he can be hard to get sometimes. Yet when he does come, you can be sure he really wants to be with you. With such a relatable personality, we think he’s a gem.